July 2024 – Second Quarter in Review

As we head into the second half of 2024, we see inflation moderating towards the 3% mark from the highs of 10% eighteen months ago.

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March 2024 – First Quarter Report

The first quarter of 2024 was full of tepid enthusiasm.

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December 2023 – Inflation: When Will the Rate Hikes Stop

As we reflect upon the past twelve months in the economy, we also look forward to the future and what it may hold for investment returns

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September 2023 – Third Quarter In Review

The market took a step back in the third quarter, as interest rate hikes and quantitative tightening finally gained traction.

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June 2023 – Summer Rally

Although the first half of the year seems to have been volatile, the markets continue to climb the wall of worry that faces investors today.

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March 2023 – First Quarter in Review

Like March Madness, the market certainly gave us some ups and downs in the first quarter.

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December 2022 – Inflation: When Will the Rate Hikes Stop

During the fourth quarter, the Federal Reserve down shifted its rate hikes from 75 basis points (bps) to 50 bps, hopefully signaling that the aggressive monetary policy was taking hold.

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September 2022 – Third Quarter in Review

Let me first say that our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Ian and to all those who have suffered during this devastating late September storm.

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June 2022 – Second Quarter in Review

Let me first say that our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of Hurricane Ian and to all those who have suffered during this devastating late September storm.

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March 2022 – First Quarter in Review

As we enter the second quarter of 2022, the Russian invasion into the Ukraine continues and the resistance to Moscow has proved to be more formidable than expected.

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December 2021 – 2021, A Year of Ups and Downs

All of us at VASI wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful New Year in 2022.

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September 2021 – Third Quarter in Review

Although the S&P 500 squeaked out another gain in the third quarter, some underlying turbulence in the markets has been creating volatility and short-term uncertainty.

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June 2021 – Second Quarter in Review

In the first half of this year, the S&P 500 index has delivered its best returns since 1998.

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March 2021 – First Quarter in Review

The first quarter of 2021 was met with optimism and fear about the reopening of the U.S. economy in many areas and sectors of the nation.

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December 2020 - A Year in Review

From all of us at VASI, we wish you and your family a healthy, peaceful, prosperous and calm New Year in 2021!

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September 2020 – Third Quarter in Review

Positive returns continued the trend in the third quarter but seemed to peak in early September.

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June 2020 – Second Quarter in Review

After three plus long months of quarantine, social distancing and Zoom meetings, we here at VASI are now able to meet with clients in person while still keeping within the Federal Government and New York State guidelines.

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March 2020 – First Quarter in Review

First, I hope you and your families are all safe, healthy and well during this COVID-19 crisis.

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